All our English teachers are experienced teachers of English as a foreign language. They hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees from well-known universities from Indonesia and abroad, and they have an average of five years teaching experience.
Profile Highlights
memiliki gelar S2 Penerjemahan dan sertifikat pelatihan
mempunyai lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman mengajar
pernah bekerja sebagai front officer di hotel bintang 5
Sebastian lulus dari Universitas Udayana dengan jurusan Sastra Inggris dan saat ini sedang menempuh gelar magister dengan jurusan Translation Studies di universitas yang sama. Sebelum bergabung dengan Jembatan Bahasa, ia bekerja paruh waktu sebagai guru bahasa Inggris di Alfa Prima dan sebagai staf front officer di hotel bintang lima Grand Inna Bali Beach. Ia bergabung dengan tim pada bulan Juli 2022 dan telah mengajar bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris untuk siswa dengan berbagai level. Di luar pekerjaan, ia sangat menyukai bermain gitar dan bulu tangkis
Profile Highlights
merupakan penulis novel berjudul 'Brother'
pernah bekerja sebagai penerjemah dan pemandu wisata
memiliki S1 Pendidikan dari Universitas Jember
Shofi adalah seorang guru, penerjemah, dan penulis. Dia sudah menggeluti profesi guru bahasa Inggris sejak tahun 2014, penerjemah lepas sejak 2013, dan penulis novel berjudul "Brother". Selain itu, ia juga memiliki pengalaman selama tiga tahun sebagai pemandu wisata di Taman Nasional Baluran. Terkait pendidikannya, ia lulus dari Universitas Jember jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Saat tidak mengajar, Shofi suka menulis, membaca novel, dan menonton video YouTube.
Profile Highlights
pernah bekerja di sekolah internasional 'Empathy'
pernah bekerja di Yahoo! sebagai CS representative
merupakan penyanyi jazz professional
Antonio adalah guru Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia sekaligus penyanyi profesional. Ia lulus dari LIA School of Foreign Languages di Yogyakarta dan telah mengajar selama lima tahun. Pengalaman kerjanya sebelumnya meliputi menjadi perwakilan Layanan Pelanggan Yahoo! pada tahun 2020, koordinator pemasaran dan acara di Yogyakarta, serta staf pendukung komunikasi dan pemasaran sekaligus guru musik di Empathy School, Ubud pada April 2023. Selain mengajar di Jembatan Bahasa, Antonio juga tampil sebagai penyanyi jazz di Bali.
Profile Highlights
memiliki lebih dari 8 tahun pengalaman mengajar
bekerja sebagai guru STEAM di Bali Children Foundation (BCF)
sangat suka menyanyi dan bermain gitar
Setelah lulus dari Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana, universitas swasta yang berlokasi di Kupang, Viano mengabdikan dirinya di bidang pendidikan dengan bergabung bersama Bali Children Foundation (BCF). Selama hampir lima tahun, beliau mengajar bahasa Inggris dan sains, teknologi, teknik, dan matematika (STEM), mendidik siswa dari tingkat sekolah dasar, menengah pertama, dan menengah atas di pulau Lembongan. Selama di BCF, ia berpartisipasi dalam berbagai program pengembangan profesional di bidang pengajaran bahasa yang diselenggarakan oleh lembaga pelatihan Australia dan Inggris. Viano bergabung dengan kami pada awal tahun 2024 untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing. Di luar pekerjaan, Viano senang bermain gitar, bernyanyi, dan menonton talk show, film, dan pertandingan sepak bola.
Profile Highlights
mantan guru di English First (EF) & The British Institute (TBI)
memiliki pengalaman mengajar lebih dari 13 tahun
level C1 memalui tes British Council
Endang, yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Mr E adalah guru bahasa Inggris berpengalaman di JB English. Ia memulai karier mengajarnya pada tahun 2005 di LP3I Pondok Gede di Bogor dan sejak itu telah mengajar di sejumlah lembaga pendidikan bahasa Inggris, termasuk English First (EF), The British Institute (TBI), International Language Programs (ILP), dan Cambridge Centre. Selain karier mengajarnya, Endang juga mempunyai pengalaman di berbagai bidang seperti manufaktur, konstruksi, operasi ladang minyak, dan pemasaran. Keahlian dan pengetahuannya yang luas telah menjadikannya sebagai pelatih tepercaya untuk program internal di berbagai perusahaan, universitas, dan industri jasa.
Profile Highlights
pernah mengajar di Green School dan Pelita Bangsa
memiliki S1 Pendidikan dan sertifikat pelatihan
sangat suka menari dan membuat design Henna
Nawi merupakan alumni Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar dengan jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Selama masa kuliah, Nawi suka mengikuti kompetisi dalam bidang akademik dan non akademik. Selain itu, Nawi juga berkesempatan mengajar mahasiswa Thailand untuk menari Bali, menunjukkan kecintaannya pada seni dan budaya. Nawi memiliki pengalaman magang di Green School Bali dan mengajar SD Pelita Bangsa. Nawi suka menari, menyanyi, olahraga dan mendengarkan musik. Belakangan ini, Nawi juga mulai menikmati membaca novel.
Profile Highlights
has more than 6 years of teaching experience
completed certified training by the government's Language Agency
holds a bachelor's degree in language education
Ade graduated from the University of Islam Malang majoring in English Education under the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. She also has a certification in teaching Indonesian as a foreign language from the Language Agency, Ministry of Education. Her professional experience includes teaching Indonesian to international exchange students, English to high school students in SMAN 7 Malang, and conversational English to adult students in the English Cafe Language School. Ade loves teaching Indonesian at Jembatan Bahasa because she always finds something new about her language from the perspectives of her international students. In her spare time, Ade enjoys listening to music, cooking, and travelling.
Profile Highlights
has over 12 years of teaching experience
holds a master's degree in language teaching
completed certified training by the government's Language Agency
Hana left her hospitality job and started teaching in 2013. Since then she has never looked back and has fallen in love with her career in education. She has been teaching English and Indonesian to foreign speakers for over 12 years. She began her teaching career whilst working with children in her church and by joining an Indonesian language school in Ubud. She holds a Bachelor of Education in English Education from Mahasaraswati University and a master’s degree from Undiksha Education University. When not working, Hana loves outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, camping, and jogging.
Profile Highlights
has over 7 years of teaching experience
won some English debate competitions
holds a teaching degree and training certificates.
Sani is a certified teacher of Indonesian as a Foreign Language by the APBIPA Bali (Association of Indonesian as a Foreign Language Teachers in Bali). On top of that, she holds a bachelor’s degree in English Education. Prior to Jembatan Bahasa, Sani worked at the School for International Training (SIT) Study Abroad Indonesia, as an Indonesian teacher and adviser. Part of her job was to teach Indonesian to international students and support them with their local projects and excursions. Sani loves sharing her language with international learners because it allows her to exchange perspectives and broaden her mind. When not working, she enjoys travelling.
Profile Highlights
taught at international Green School Bali
has more than 9 years of teaching experience
completed certified training by the government's Language Agency
Kadek had an experience of teaching Indonesian as a foreign language at Green School Bali for more than four years. The best part of teaching Indonesian for her is that she can interact with students from various countries and cultures. As for her education background, Kadek holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Faculty of Teaching and Training, Mahasaswati University. She also completed certified training by the government's Language Agency, Ministry of Education. When not teaching, Kadek loves making crafts from recyclable materials. She also enjoys gardening and cooking.
Profile Highlights
taught at the international Green School Bali
has over 8 years of teaching experience
completed certified training by the government's Language Agency
Devi has six years of teaching experience. Prior to joining Jembatan Bahasa (JB) team, she taught Indonesian as a foreign language at the Green School Bali for four years. She also had an experience teaching English to local children in a private language school for two years. In addition to JB, Devi also teaches organic farming to international students at the Astungkara Way. As for her education background, she graduated from the Faculty of Teaching and Training, Mahasaraswati University majoring in English Education. When not teaching, Devi loves spending time with family and friends and learning to cook.
Profile Highlights
holds a master's degree in translation and training certificates
has over 5 years of teaching experience
worked as a front officer at a five-start hotel
Sebastian graduated from Udayana University with a major in English Literature and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Translation Studies at the same university. Before joining Jembatan Bahasa, he worked part-time as an English teacher at Alfa Prima and as front office staff at the five-star hotel Grand Inna Bali Beach. He joined the team in July 2022 and has been teaching Indonesian and English to students at various levels. Outside of work, he enjoys playing the guitar and badminton.
Profile Highlights
is an author of novel called 'Brother'
worked as a translator and tour guide
holds a teaching degree from University of Jember
Shofi is a teacher, a translator, and an author. She has been an English teacher since 2014, a freelance translator since 2013, and is the author of a novel titled "Brother". In addition that, she also had a three year experience of being a tour guide at Baluran National Park. As for her education, she graduated from the University of Jember majoring in English education. When not teaching, Shofi loves writing, reading novels, and watching YouTube videos.
Profile Highlights
worked at international Empathy school
worked at Yahoo! as CS representative
is a professional jazz singer
Antonio is an English and Bahasa Indonesia teacher, as well as a professional singer. He graduated from LIA School of Foreign Languages in Yogyakarta and has been teaching English for five years. His previous work experience includes serving as a Yahoo! Customer Service representative in 2020, a marketing and event coordinator in Yogyakarta, and a communication and marketing support staff member, as well as a music teacher, at Empathy School in Ubud in April 2023. In addition to teaching at Jembatan Bahasa, Antonio also performs as a jazz singer in Bali.
Profile Highlights
has over 8 years of teaching experience
worked as a STEM teacher at the Bali Children Foundation (BCF)
loves singing and plays the guitar
After graduating from Christian Artha Wacana University, a private university located in Kupang, Viano dedicated himself to education by joining the Bali Children Foundation (BCF). He served as an English and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teacher for nearly five years, working with students across elementary, secondary, and high school levels on the island of Lembongan. During his time in BCF, he participated in various professional development programs in language teaching conducted by Australian and British training institutions. Viano joined us in early 2024 to teach English and Indonesian as a foreign language. Outside of work, Viano enjoys playing guitar, singing, and watching talk shows, movies, and football matches.
Profile Highlights
taught at Green School and Pelita Bangsa
holds a teaching degree and training certificates
loves dancing and doing Henna designs
Nawi is an alumnus of Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, majoring in English Education. During her study, Nawi enjoyed participating in both academic and non-academic competitions. Additionally, Nawi had the opportunity to teach Thai students Balinese dance, showcasing a deep love for art and culture. Nawi also gained valuable experience interning at Green School Bali and teaching at SD Pelita Bangsa. Nawi loves dancing, singing, exercising, and listening to music. Recently, Nawi has also started to enjoy reading novels.